Stuttgart is the capital of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg and forms with around 600,000 inhabitants the centre of the Stuttgart Region, which has in total 2.7 million inhabitants and employs 1 million people. Europe’s strongest region in terms of exports supports its strength through the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors.
Stuttgart is modern, international, urban, cosmopolitan, and well known for its innovations. The city is well acquainted with all its transport-related challenges, which result from high mobility demand of both citizens and the economy, but also with solutions for urban mobility aiming to increase the quality of life and to reduce the negative impact of traffic on the environment. Today, Stuttgart boasts an excellent local public transport system that offers high transport standards and which is embedded in the regional public transport system. Due to its topography, the city has problems with air quality which are being tackled by the municipality through major efforts.
Measures involve clean air and noise reduction programmes including limited access zones, traffic calming zones, speed reduction on main roads, parking management, public transport priority schemes and traffic management amongst others. To further reduce traffic congestion various incentives are being implemented, such as park and ride stations,
corporate mobility management assessment and additional offers in public transport.
On the international level, the City of Stuttgart coordinates the global network Cities for
Mobility and participates in several European networks and programs. Stuttgart decided to join the FCCP Project in order to test the use of fuel cell driven cargo-bikes within technical departments of the municipality. The main objective is to find out during these pilots if the fuel cell technology helps to improve the transport offer for official works and the performance of some technical facilities (such as the Forest Department and the Main Sewage Plant of Mühlhausen). The experiences and knowledge gathered will be presented to the City Council and transferred to other technical departments of Stuttgart Municipality as well as to logistic companies in the city and its region.